Can CBD Prevent Covid-19 Infection?

In general, CBD is known for its immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. CBD can treat various conditions such as chronic pain, anxiety and inflammation. According to the researches, CBD or Cannabidiol can also help fight against coronavirus. This compound is derived from marijuana plants, and it also blocks the replication of the COVID-19 virus.

Lab and animal study shows that CBD oil also prevents its spread. CBD restrains the coronavirus to spread in human lung cells and suppresses the infection in the nasal passage and the lungs of the lab. The experts think that the advantages of CBD may not be limited to the lab.

Covid 19 and CBD

As reported CBD also reduces the savagery of symptoms regarding covid 19. Cannabinoid has acidic derivatives which prevent it from entering the human body. There are two types of acidic components known as CBDA and CBGA.

These two factors obstruct the cellular entry of coronavirus and its various forms. CBDA or Cannabidiolic acid is a type of CBD that is found in cannabis plants. This acidic form has therapeutic applications. There is another acidic form known as Cannabigerolic acid which is the parent compound of other cannabinoids such as CBD and THC.

Various researches and experts of OKC have found that taking Epidiolex can also help to lower the symptoms of covid 19. Epidiolex is a form of cannabinoid which is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 

CBD oil indeed has the potential to reduce the symptoms of coronavirus, but the experts do not ever claim that CBD can be a substitute for taking vaccination or wearing a mask.

How Does CBD Work Against Coronavirus?

SARS-CoV-2 is the virus that causes the covid 19. CBGA and CBDA prevent the cellular entry of this virus into our bodies. The virus creates a bond to a protein called ACE2 while entering a cell. This protein is situated in the cells in the gut, lungs and blood vessels.

But when the CBDA and CBGA make a bond with ACE2 before SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus cannot bind to this protein anymore. As a result, the chances of coronavirus entering the human body get reduced.

More Research is Needed

According to the experts, this research is now at the beginning stage of understanding how CBD oil can fight against coronavirus. If you want to purchase any CBD-based products to shield yourself from various diseases, contact Full Circle Health Clinic in OKC.

**Disclaimer: This content is neither a medical advice nor does it imply a doctor-patient relationship