Explore the Goodness of Ozone Therapy Now

Ozone is made up of three oxygen molecules instead of the two molecules that comprise most of the air. Ozone can be defined as "overcharged" oxygen molecules. The reactivity of ozone molecules allows us to use it in regenerative medicine. For about fifteen years, the beneficial uses of ozone have been widely published. See this article to learn how you can be benefitted with ozone therapy.

Ozone added to the hydrogen peroxide can act as an antibacterial agent

Clinicians familiar with the therapeutic application of ozone had no choice but to use it topically during World War I as there was a shortage of supplies. It works just as well in the human body as it does outside. Because it has uses in bacterial and viral infections, it is highly important to clinical practice. Prior to the advent of medications to treat HIV/AIDS, researchers in Germany found some relief with ozone therapy, patients treated with the virus were helped by it. The process of stimulating the white blood cells with ozone is commonly referred to as an immune-stimulating treatment. Ozone molecules quickly react to wipe out bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

Ozone improves inflammation by acting as an anti-oxidant

Like those who experimented with Ozone during the First World War, today's researchers discovered that inflammation in the location was indeed diminished by the application of ozone. While inhaling ozone can be harmful to the lungs, other therapies for inflammation, such as autohemotherapy, have been found to be beneficial.

Analgesic Effects of the Therapy

Pain relievers work to reduce pain without depressing the respiratory centers of the brain. The main form of minor autohemotherapy consists of drawing blood and injecting it with the prescribed amount of ozone. Fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis may be relieved with this approach. Overuse or endurance sports injuries, such as arthritis, sometimes respond to the best to ozone therapy.

Enhanced Level of Energy & Healthier Skin

When you are healthy, your skin looks younger and feels more vibrant, and when you have increased energy levels, you feel more vigorous and youthful.

Some people claim to notice an improvement in their skin's appearance and feel in general after receiving ozone therapy. Due to the effects of ozone, increased circulation and oxygen availability,

It has few negative side effects, but there are significant benefits as well. Different forms of ozone are administered including IV, high-dose, ozone, and the newest method, EBOO. Using ozone therapy should be done only under the supervision of a physician.

Call Full Circle Health Clinic in OKC to book your schedule. Our expert and credible therapists will aid you in making the most of ozone treatment. So, are you ready?