Health Improvements Aided by Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy is a treatment that uses medical-grade ozone to enhance the quantity of oxygen in your body and induce therapeutic responses. The immune-stimulating treatment was first utilized in the United States in the early 1980s, but it has been used for decades in Europe for a variety of diseases and ailments.

Ozone treatment works in tandem with your body's natural ability to rejuvenate and renew itself. The treatment emphasizes the idea that sickness is caused by the body's inability to complete its normal self-healing reaction. Ozone's reactive capabilities encourage the body to attempt to remove these barriers so that it can heal.

It can be administered to the skin, generated as a component of ozonated water, or blasted into the body as a gas. Ozone therapy can include an ozone sauna, in which the affected body part is bagged and exposed to the gas, for the treatment of a specific body part. Ozone can also be administered into the body directly.

Learn more about how ozone therapy can help with these ten conditions:

Hepatitis C

When compared to individuals who do not receive ozone therapy, a review of literature on ozone therapy and hepatitis C (HCV) shows that ozone therapy considerably reduces the clinical symptoms associated with chronic HCV in people who receive it. Some individuals exhibited fewer interferon side effects and greater results when ozone therapy was combined with standard interferon therapy for HCV than when either medication was used alone.


It can limit the spread of infection by inhibiting the growth and development of bacteria. Viruses, fungi, yeast, and protozoa have all been proven to be inactivated by medical O3.

Respiratory illnesses

Your lungs are responsible for supplying oxygen to your blood. It can reduce the stress on the lungs caused by respiratory illnesses since it fills the blood with oxygen.

Macular degeneration

In developed countries, dry age-related macular degeneration is one of the most prevalent causes of vision loss among the elderly. According to studies, ozone therapy reduces photoreceptor loss and improves visual acuity when patients start treatment as soon as possible.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that causes pain, inflammation, and disability. Ozone therapy can help to relieve pain and inflammation while also boosting the immune system. The action can boost circulation and oxygen supply while also activating the antioxidant defense system.

Wound healing

The disinfectant qualities can aid expedite healing and reduce discomfort in non-healing wounds. When compared to normal dressing and other treatments, research has shown that ozone therapy produces faster results.

Dental treatment

According to studies, it can reduce treatment time in dental therapy to variable degrees. It has the potential to aid in the eradication of microorganisms. It is when used in dental applications makes the experience painless and can help tolerate more things with fewer side effects.

Treatment for Cancer

Since it saturates the blood with oxygen, it can help patients who are undergoing cancer treatment. Cancer cells, unlike human cells, cannot survive under high oxygen concentrations. It provides an environment that inhibits the growth and survival of cancer cells.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

In mild to moderate cases of carpal tunnel syndrome, the injections along with wrist splinting can help alleviate the symptoms. Researchers discovered that combining ozone therapy with wrist splinting resulted in much better results than splinting alone.

Skin problems

Acne and rosacea can be managed and prevented using ozone therapy provided as local injections. Infectious skin diseases, psoriasis, and skin-related allergy diseases can all be treated with this medication.

Learn more about ozone therapy and how it can benefit your health and wellness. Please contact our OKC offices at Full Circle Health Clinic right away.

**Disclaimer: This content is neither a medical advice nor does it imply a doctor-patient relationship