How Can You Get Relief from the Sunburn Problem?

Nowadays, many of us suffer from sunburn problems due to the extreme weather conditions. Many people who apply sunscreen on their skin, still get sunburns. But you can treat the sunburns by applying simple ingredients you can find in your home. If you notice that the sunburns cannot be removed, then you can contact a skin care specialist as soon as possible

You can notice a few symptoms of sunburns such as dehydration, skin burning and blistering, Infection and electrolyte imbalance. If you want to prevent further sunburn then you must follow few tips including:

  • You should cover your skin.

  • You must avoid tanning beds

  • Don’t get exposed too much to the sun.

How Can You Treat Your Sunburn?

The most important ingredient you can find to treat the sunburn is aloe vera gel. The gel provides a cooling effect to your skin. You can find anti-inflammatory elements that can soothe the affected skin. You can extract the gel from the plant and apply it on your skin to get a better result.

According to the doctor, you can apply white vinegar to prevent infection and get relief from inflammation and pain from the burned area. Keep in mind that as white vinegar contains acetic acid, it acts as an antiseptic to your skin.

When you notice sunburn on your skin, you can apply a facial serum which is composed with hyaluronic acid. It will help you to heal the affected area way faster. Generally, hydrating substances are produced in our body so it can moisturize the area and don’t cause any further irritation.

If you want to treat the sunburn area of your skin, first try to balance the pH level of your skin. To do that you can make a mixture of baking soda and water, apply it on your skin and leave it for 15 minutes. You can also add apple cider vinegar while bathing to balance the pH level of your skin. 

You can soak yourself in an oatmeal bath. It will help you to get rid of sunburned skin. You should avoid using soap or perfume because these ingredients can dry your skin excessively.

Visit Us

Get reach at Full Circle Health Clinic to recover from the problem. The specialist provides other services too like ozone therapy, aesthetics, IV therapy, testing, naturopathy, chiropractic care, nutritional supplements and colon hydrotherapy in Edmond.

**Disclaimer: This content is neither a medical advice nor does it imply a doctor-patient relationship