How Ozone Therapy Helps in Common Cold?

As we enter another cold and flu season, it's vital to think about the factors that make this year different from the rest. For starters, we're coming into the season after a year of masking, rigid separation, and, in many cases, self-isolation. Last year, as a result of this, influenza infection rates were extremely low, prompting some to declare that we had “defeated the flu.” Second, as things return to normal, more people are getting out and forming crowds than ever before to make up for lost time. As a result, cold and flu season will almost certainly return this year with a vengeance.

Influenza, like other viral diseases, is usually treated with rest, plenty of water, and symptom-relieving drugs. A temperature of more than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, muscle pains, chills, headache, sweating, persistent cough, lethargy and weakness, congestion, and sore throat are the most prevalent symptoms. However, viral infections might be more complicated in other circumstances. It might be more difficult to work with and improve from viral infectionsif your immune system has been weakened by physical or mental stress, illness, or chronic diseases like arthritis, heart disease, allergies, or neurological disorders.

Vaccines for several viral illnesses, such as influenza, are readily accessible. However, for many other viral, bacterial, and fungal illnesses for which vaccines have not been created, prevention is based on keeping theentire immune health in good state so that the body is ready to limit the length and intensity of symptoms.

For these viral diseases, ozone therapy is a very powerful preventive measure to both prepare your body to battle cold and flu season or minimize symptoms if you do catch it, especially if you haven't had an influenza vaccine this year. Our medical program combines systemic ozone therapy with autovaccines and trace element and vitamin supplements to lessen the intensity of symptoms and length of illness caused by viral infections.

The immune system is greatly activated by ozone autovaccines. They're utilized to treat chronic autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and psoriasis as a therapeutic adjuvant. Ozone autovaccines, on the other hand, defend healthy people from bacterial and viralillnesses, as well as reduce the effects of cancer and improve the immune system over time, when used in conjunction with cycles of ozone therapy.

Ozone therapy is a natural, safe and extremely simple method with no medical contraindications and no pharmaceutical interactions. The operation must be carried out in a specialist health center by professionals who are trained in the use of ozone therapy.

At Full Circle, we have a lot of expertise with autovaccines and ozone treatment, and we only use licensed medical specialists. For best effectiveness, we use these therapies in cycles, along with intravenous trace element and vitamin supplements. We've observed excellent clinical results treating viral infections (both before and after infection), allergies, autoimmune illnesses, asthma, and even cancer patients enduring surgery, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy.

Patients with HIV, chronic viral illnesses such as HPV, herpes, shingles, hepatitis, CMV, and others have reported significant clinical improvements after receiving ozone therapy and autovaccines.

The following are some of the most prominent advantages that explain ozone therapy's therapeutic efficacy:

• Strong antioxidant

• Analgesic / Anti-Inflammatory

• Reactivator of venous and arterial circulation

• Promotes tissue oxygenation

• Modulates the immune system

• Strong germicidal effects

• Promotes tissue repair and regeneration

• No allergic reactions

• No interactions with other medications

For more details on this therapy see us at Full Circle Health. We have more beauty and wellness services included. See the details on our website.

**Disclaimer: This content is neither a medical advice nor it  imply a doctor-patient relationship.