How you Can Treat Alzheimer’s Disease Naturally?

Alzheimer’s disease is common dementia. People suffering from it have issues recognizing people. Not only that, but they also have issues maintaining a conversation. Above all, you even face anxiety issues while driving or finding new directions. Here are a few natural treatments for Alzheimer’s disease as per naturopathic doctor in OKC.

Do Not Forget to Feed Your Brain

Alzheimer’s is recognized as type-3 diabetes of your brain. When it comes to this disease, insulin resistance plays a vital role in plaque formation. Along with that, high blood sugar levels affect brain health by preventing oxygen supply to the brain.

This, in turn, leads to the damage of the neurons. Due to this reason, doctors recommend consuming low-glycemic and high antioxidant-rich food. Besides, you must focus on including high fiber foods. For best results, consult a naturopathic doctor.

Some of the best brain-friendly foods include nuts and seeds, berries, oranges, wild fatty fish, etc. if you are someone who likes having spicy foods, include spices like turmeric and rosemary and green tea is also useful. If you are concerned about ketone production, include MCT oil since it helps in boosting your brain.

Get Sound Sleep

The brain plays a vital role in flushing out the waste products that are related to the disease. Moreover, research has shown that a poor sleep schedule enhances the threat of AZ disease. Your brain fails to perform the clean-up process while you are asleep.

You can indulge in meditation as it improves brain function and controls inflammation. Regularly practicing five to ten minutes of meditation is beneficial.

Indulge in Workout

Regular exercise helps in reducing inflammation and even prevents various chronic diseases. Workout enhances the oxygen uptake, improves mitochondrial health as well as detoxification through sweating.

Indulge in exercises that involve your hand and eye coordination like tennis, dancing, squash. Your brain needs a regular workout for staying sharp like your body. Another effective activity that you can practice includes solving puzzles or learning any new skill.

Drink Enough Water

Hydration is the key to staying healthy. Your brain is 80% water and it is required for chemical reactions. If you want your brain to stay healthy, make sure that you are drinking enough water. In fact, 2% of water loss leads to various neurological problems.

Treat Alzheimer’s disease effectively with us!

Alzheimer’s disease can be painful not just for the person who is suffering but also for others taking care of him or her. At Full Circle Health Clinic, we provide the latest treatments for the disease. Contact us today!

**Disclaimer: This content is neither a medical advice nor does it imply a doctor-patient relationship