Natural Home Remedies for Killing Pain: Is It True?

According to the researches, one in five Americans suffers from chronic pain. This type of pain can affect the overall quality of life and the patient cannot do all types of work and enjoy time with their family. How can you understand that you suffer from chronic pain? That’s pretty easy - if you experience pain for more than three months and you cannot reduce the pain by taking medications, then it becomes chronic.

Many patients try other homemade or natural methods to reduce the pain along with medications. There are various methods that help you to get some relief from the pain. But it is also true that natural pain management may not work the same for everybody. Therefore, it would be good if you try out different methods to see which is more effective.


We may try various remedies to reduce the pain except doing exercises. But it is the most effective remedy to overcome this condition. You may contact a physical therapist to get a guideline on how to work your joints and muscles that reduce the pressure which causes pain. According to the doctor, you should start the exercises slowly and increase the number of exercises gradually. You can start just by walking.


It is also known as Curcuma longa which is basically a root. It is mainly used in Indian cooking as a spice. As reported turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties which help you to reduce chronic pain. Patients who suffer from osteoarthritis, experience less pain after consuming a combination of turmeric with two other substances - bromelain and Devil's claw.

Heat Therapy

According to the researches, heat therapy is as good as cold therapy to reduce pain significantly. If you suffer from an acute injury, then you may have to choose ice therapy. For example, if you suffer from lingering back spasms, then heat therapy would give you the best result.

Taking Cloves

Many people consume herbal supplements to ease their inflammation. Cloves are one of the most popular supplements that you can take to treat your condition. It does not only ease inflammation but also helps to ease nausea and treat colds. If you suffer from toothaches and headaches, then consuming cloves is a good decision.

Consult with Your Doctor

There is various natural pain management you can apply to reduce the pain. But it would be always recommended to contact proper doctors so that they can evaluate your condition and prescribe what you need. You can also call Full Circle Health Clinic in OKC to get better assistance in this matter.

**Disclaimer: This content is neither a medical advice nor does it imply a doctor-patient relationship