Ozone Therapy – A Detail on It

Ozone, a form of oxygen is quite a popular one to be used in alternative medicine. The medical practitioners use it in either liquid or gas forms. This is well known for treating different medical conditions as well as used as a topical disinfectant.

Ozone Therapy

The ozone therapy is used for medical practices that uses the ozone gas. This form of oxygen is a colorless gas and three oxygen atoms make it. In the upper layers of atmosphere, there is an ozone layer that protects our earth from the harmful UV rays of the sun. Coming to the ground level, this is often considered as a toxic air pollutant. This is harmful for a person toinhale as it may cause irritation to throat, lungs, worsen asthma symptoms and cause coughing. If someone is highly exposed to this gas it can be fatal to the health. However, there are some therapeutic effects in some medical conditions. It is used in these conditions –

  • Wound disinfecting

  • Cancer treatment

  • Arthritis treatment

  • Viral disease treatment

  • Immune system boost up

  • Ischemic heart disease treatment

  • Macular degeneration treatment

Preparing for Ozone Therapy

You should talk to the health care provider for this therapy. They can guide you for the best ways for preparing. The procedure involves drawing blood from the body, mixing ozone gas with it and then pushing it again in the body. If the therapy you are suggested needs blood to be drawn from your body, sleep well the previous night. Drink plenty of water to stay safe from dehydration and eat healthy breakfast.

This natural gas therapy is well known and it is often applied on the skin topically. The ozonized water is used for topical use. Other than that blowing the gas into the human body, using ozone sauna is also quite popular methods. These are known as autoimmune therapy. But during the process you have to make sure the patient does not inhale the gas.

What Happens in the Treatment?

Direct Tissue Application –If the ozone therapy you are recommended is for a wound or external injury, the gas is to be applied directly on the skin, or tissue or the exposed body part. This is only done with a protective covering.

Intravenous Application –This is to treat internal disorders like HIV. In this treatment, the gas is dissolved into the bloodstream. The blood is drawn from the body, ozone gas is mixed up and again the blood is pushed back in the body. This treatment has a risk of causing air bubble formation inside.

Intramuscular –This therapy is also known as an intramuscular injection. In this treatment, the gas is mixed with oxygen before applying.

See us here at Full Circle Health in OKC for the said treatment. We have expertise in hydrafacial, IV therapy, naturopathy, massage therapy and more.