Should You Do Food Allergy Testing?

When your immune system reacts to specific things in the environment such as mold, pollen and foods, then allergy occurs in your body. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approx. four to six percent of children suffer from food allergies in the United States. There are various types of food that are responsible for allergic reactions. But there are eight types of food that can cause 90% of serious allergic reactions. The following foods are peanuts, wheat, soy, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, cow’s milk and eggs. If you notice an allergic reaction after eating some type of food, then contact a doctor and do food allergy testing.

Symptoms of Food Allergy

●     Stomach pain

●     Nausea, vomiting

●     Swelling of the tongue

●     Diarrhea

●     Itchy bumps on the skin

●     Digestive discomfort 

How Does the Testing Work?

If you are allergic to a particular type of food, then your body will produce immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies after consuming the food. When you go to do the testing, the lab simply deals with an IgE food allergy test with your blood. After that, they will measure the amount of IgE antibodies in presence of the specific allergens. If they detect the IgE antibodies in your blood, then it is proven that you have a food allergy. 

Your Medical History

When you go to the doctor for diagnosis, the doctor may ask various questions to identify your conditions. After that, the expert can ask about your previous medical history. The following questions that you have to answer are:

1.    Do you notice any specific reactions after eating the food?

2.   How much food did you consume?

3.   When did the symptoms occur after eating the food?

4.   Do you notice the symptoms every time you eat?

5.    Have you received any medical treatment before?

Keep a Food Diary

When you do food allergy testing, the doctor may recommend you keep a food diary. In the diary, you have to write down what types of food you have eaten. Do you feel any symptoms after a few hours of eating? It is really helpful for the doctors to understand if you have any food allergies or food intolerances. 

Food Elimination

The doctor also suggests you to not eat all types of food especially, one or two types of food that may be responsible for your allergic reaction. You have to eat specific food for one to two weeks. If your allergy symptoms are gone in this period and flare up when you eat, that means the food is responsible for your allergy. 

Live freely

If you are suffering from a food allergy for a longer period of time, then you should visit Full Circle Health Clinic in OKC. They will guide you to find out the solution.

**Disclaimer: This content is neither a medical advice nor does it imply a doctor-patient relationship