Simple 7-Step Skincare Routine for the Busy Nine to Five-er

We’re sure Vogue’s 33-step Korean skincare routine has made you feel inadequate at some point in your life. But guess what, skincare doesn’t work that way. More products do not equal better. Instead, facial treatment experts have introduced the latest fad, namely- less is more. Find a few products that work best on your skin and be consistent with your regimen. If required, spend extra money to get a few good products instead of many but only half as effective products.

We put together a simple 7-step skincare routine for you.

Step 1 - Cleanse Your Face

Every morning and night, cleanse your face with a gentle cleanser suited to your skin type. Wash your hands and squeeze a liberal amount of cleanser onto your palms. Rub to stimulate the active ingredients and massage your face in circular motions. Get rid of all the makeup and grime, repeat if necessary. If you are a heavy makeup user, you can also incorporate double cleansing into your routine. Double cleansing used an oil-based balm to get rid of makeup and then a soap-based, hypoallergenic wash to clean the residue.

Step 2 - Dab the Toner

Many people pass on the toner, but it might surprise you to learn the benefits of using a toner regularly. Get 2-3 drops of your toner on a cotton pad and apply it all over your face. Exfoliating toners contain glycolic acid to remove the dead skin cell. Most facial treatments recommend using glycolic acid is to be only used at night. Remember not to use exfoliating toners along with retinol and other exfoliants. Hydrating formulas are the perfect option to minimize the appearance of pores and refresh your face. Try to avoid toners with high alcohol content.

Step 3 - Apply the Serum

Vitamin C serums in particular are a great choice for morning serums. Vitamin C is a brightening agent and contains antioxidants that protect your skin from the free radicals of pollution. Nighttime serums can include hyaluronic acid. A hyaluronic acid serum is a hydrating concoction that keeps your skin from drying out at night. A very important point to note here is that hyaluronic acid molecules attract moisture from the atmosphere, hence if you’re going to spend the night in an air-conditioned room, make sure you mist your face lest the molecules draw out the moisture from deep inside your skin’s layers.

Step 4 - Put on Eye-cream

You can use your regular moisturizer for the under-eye area but if you do insist on using an eye cream specifically, make sure to layer it under your face moisturizer. Eye creams are thinner in consistency as compared to face moisturizers. This means applying an eye cream over your regular cream will not penetrate well enough to do anything about the eye bags.

Step 5 - Apply Spot Treatment

If you use a spot facial treatment, the best time to do so is at night. However, make sure you are following a dermatologist-approved regimen. Acne-fighting ingredients if layered the wrong way can aggravate the situation.

Step 6 - Hydrate Your Skin

For mornings choose a light water-based moisturizer, ideally with SPF 30 or more. Make sure the moisturizer does not clog pores and is hypoallergenic. At nighttime you can graduate to using a heavier night cream. If you have extremely dry skin, you can attempt to apply creams in the morning as well. If your skin reacts well, good for you!

For sensitive skin, take extra care to find calming moisturizers with tea tree and aloe vera. These active ingredients can do wonders to soothe your skin during the most brutal heat.

Step 7 - Protect Your Skin with Sun Protection

And finally, last but not least apply a generous layer of sunscreen at least 15-20 minutes before heading out for the day. Skip this step for your nighttime routine. Look for broad-spectrum protection in your sunscreen that protects you from both UVA and UVB radiation. Your sunscreen should always be SPF 30 or higher. Not does sunblock help against aging, fine lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation it also abates the risk of skin cancer. 

A New Generation of Facial Treatments

Full Circle Health Clinic has a complete line of innovative skincare solutions. Our cleansers, sun protectants, moisturizer, and other products are powered by the latest advancements in the field of beauty and skincare. We believe in facial treatments that are easy to incorporate into your existing routine and are visibly effective. Book your appointment today at (405) 753-9355. Our customer service team will guide you through the entire process.

**Disclaimer: This content is neither a medical advice nor does it imply a doctor-patient relationship