Where IV Therapy Stands in Front of Drinking Water?

Intravenous (IV) treatment is a quick and effective way to restore water and electrolyte balance inside the body. “Can't I just drink more water instead?” you might question.

While hydration is essential for a healthy lifestyle, IV therapy has extra advantages.

Effect occurs more quickly.

Drinking water takes longer to work than IV fluids. Drinking water hydrates oral cavity, giving you the sensation of being hydrated. Water takes hours to reach your system after that since most water is gets absorbed in the large intestine, which is located at the bottom of the digestive tract. IV fluids, on the other hand, enter your bloodstream immediately when you undergo IV therapy. This implies that the benefits of hydration kick in right away, so you'll feel better sooner than if you just drank a cup of water.

IV is ideal for nausea People who are queasy should drink more water. Nausea is one of the most unpleasant symptoms that people might have, especially after consuming alcohol. The stomach aches and it compromises your consciousness when are nauseated. Vomiting is also linked to sickness, and drinkers are well aware of how tiresome nausea and vomiting can be.

When a person is unable to swallow fluids owing to sickness, IV fluid therapy can help to replace lost electrolytes and volume. Since IV liquids do not get through the gastrointestinal tract, they are the most effective and efficient way to treat heartburn and nausea. In around 20 to 40 minutes, IV fluids are quite successful in removing nausea and vomiting. Because they are injected into the bloodstream, they act quickly.

There's more to fluid

IV therapy replenishes our bodies' vital electrolytes and minerals. Dehydration is caused by a lack of electrolytes as well as a lack of water. We need minerals and trace elements like potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium to be hydrated. When someone is dehydrated, IV therapy is used to replace saline and potassium solution, allowing them to become properly hydrated. While delivering IV fluids, you are not required to eat or drink.

Supplementary materials

Additional vitamins can be added to IV fluids if desired. People who are dehydrated, especially drinkers, should have IV therapy. Vitamins, antimicrobials, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, and anti-nausea drugs can all be added to IV fluids.

One of the most common reasons for IV fluid therapy is hangovers. If you frequently suffer from hangovers, go for IV fluid therapy to quickly rehydrate and return to your normal routine.

IV Therapy in OKC

At our OKC location, we offer the most convenient alternatives for people to rehydrate. The process is painless and safe. It is carried out by professionals at Full Circle Health Clinic who will ensure that you are at ease throughout the operation.

You can rest or spend time doing hobbies like listening or reading to music during the session. A medical office is set up so that patients can have sessions in complete privacy and comfort.

**Disclaimer: This content is neither a medical advice nor does it imply a doctor-patient relationship