A Few Effective Natural Home Remedies for Arthritis Pain Relief

According to the report, arthritis is one of the most common problems in the United States. But it is not a disease. You may experience this problem due to pain. Inflammation, stiffness and swelling in the joints. Most patients do not experience the symptoms suddenly. The symptoms develop over time and generally, people who are above 65 suffer from this condition. 

However, it is a fact that there is no such cure for arthritis. Therefore, here, we have shared a few effective natural pain management remedies so that you can manage the pain easily. But you should also consult with the specialist before following the remedies.

 Consume Ginger and Turmeric

Both ginger and turmeric have anti-inflammatory properties and it helps to lessen the pain and improve the overall conditions. Taking these can also help you to fight oxidative stress that causes degeneration of joints over time. First, you have to boil two cups of water and add one tablespoon of chopped ginger and turmeric into it. After that, you have to heat the mixture for five minutes and strain. Next, cool down the mixture for ten minutes and add one to two teaspoons of honey to make it tasty. You should drink it on a daily basis on an empty stomach.

Avoid Specific Foods

●     Red meat

●     Alcohol

●     Food items laced with sugar

●     processed or starchy foods

●     flour products and wheat products

●     Hydrogenated oils

Drink Four Cups of Green Tea Everyday

In research, Western Reserve University researchers gave four cups of green tea a day to one group and plain water to another group. The study has revealed that the mice which have drunk tea develop arthritis more than the mice that drank water. They also have found that the polyphenol antioxidants of the tea are anti-inflammatory and also improve arthritis-related immune responses and reduce cartilage damage.

Apply Cold-Hot Treatment

First of all, you need two containers to start the process. After that, you have to fill one container with cold water and another one with hot water. You can also add ice cubes in the cold water. Next, you have to apply the cold water to the joint for one minute. Then you have to switch to the hot water and apply for 30 seconds. Apply the cold and hot water to the joint for about 15 minutes. Finally, you should finish the method with cold water and hold it for a minute.

What to Do Next?

These natural pain management remedies may help you to ease the pain a bit but you should not only depend on these methods. If you notice that your problem is getting worse day by day, seek medical help as soon as possible. You can also contact Full Circle Health Clinic to get better assistance to reduce your pain in OKC.

**Disclaimer: This content is neither a medical advice nor does it imply a doctor-patient relationship