10 Amazing Naturopathic Ways to Control Diabetes

Diabetes already affects over 50 million Indians, and that number is anticipated to rise to over 6 million by 2025. This country faces a significant difficulty in dealing with this rapidly growing issue.

The winter months can be particularly difficult for those who have diabetes. As a result of the cold and decreased physical activity, the body is put under stress and enters a fight-or-flight response. As a result, stress chemicals like adrenaline and cortisol are released. This causes an increase in blood sugar levels because the liver produces more glucose for energy.

Managing diabetes effectively in the winter can be made easier with a naturopathic approach that suggests particular dietary and lifestyle changes. For those of you with diabetes, here are 10 recommendations for naturopathy and yoga that can aid during the cold season as suggested by naturopathic doctors of Oklahoma.

A Proper Diet

No of the season, a well-balanced diet is essential to keeping diabetes under control. All of these foods should be included in your diet to the extent possible. There is no need to eat sugary or fatty foods in moderation. The fructose in dried fruits can raise blood sugar levels, thus diabetics should avoid eating them.

Importance of Hydration

In order to eliminate excess glucose from the body via urine, it is critical that the body remain well hydrated at all times. Water is the best beverage to drink because other drinks include a lot of sugar and preservatives.


Yogic exercises can help diabetics keep their illness in check while also leading a regular, healthy lifestyle. The pancreas and endocrine system are stimulated by twisting and stretching internal muscles and organs in yoga poses. By increasing insulin secretion, blood glucose levels can be kept under control.

Other Options of Treatment

A variety of therapeutic modalities, such as acupuncture, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, and others, can help restore balance to the body. With the help of acupuncture, you can lose weight, regulate your blood sugar, and lower your risk of insulin resistance. In addition to helping with weight loss, stress reduction, and lowering blood pressure, physiotherapy and hydrotherapy can also improve neurological and musculoskeletal capabilities.

Sleeping Properly

The body needs on sleep to repair itself from poisons, daily stressors, and much more. Diabetics should get at least 6-7 hours of uninterrupted sleep every day to allow their bodies to repair themselves and strengthen their immune systems.

Psychiatric Care

Diabetes is a stressful condition for those who have it. Anxiety, mood changes, confusion and sadness are all possible side effects of this medication. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), can occur throughout the winter, although it is curable. Diabetics can find solace by investing time with loved ones, engaging in hobbies, or seeking expert assistance.

Maintaining Personal Hygiene

Patients with diabetes must wash their hands regularly and thoroughly with a natural soap in order to maintain good personal hygiene. Other than that, nasal irrigation with a Neti pot is recommended because it helps keep the airways free.

Losing Weight

Type 2 diabetes is 80-85% more likely in people who are obese. A lack of insulin production by the pancreas is a common complication in obese individuals. Because of this, decreasing weight is the only way to remain healthy and fit. Exercise, such as brisk walks, should be part of daily life in order to lose weight.

Avoid Foods That Decrease Your Immune System.

The immune system is suppressed when diabetics consume high-fat foods, alcohol, caffeine, and refined sugar. High-fat diets can cause lymphatic system blockages that impair immunity and make it more difficult to fight infections.

Go Outdoors for a While

In addition to boosting mood, spending time outside or in nature enhances Vitamin D levels in our bodies. The immune system's ability to detect and respond to infections, such as influenza, is bolstered by vitamin D.

Concluding Words:

Managing diabetes is a multifaceted process that extends far beyond simply controlling blood sugar levels. Preventing, treating, and curing diabetes can be achieved with a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and an ideal weight. In order to help diabetics manage their health more efficiently during the winter, naturopathy examines a wide range of issues. Schedule your appointment with naturopathic doctors at Full Circle Health Clinic in OKC.

**Disclaimer: This content is neither a medical advice nor does it imply a doctor-patient relationship