What Should You Know Before Opting for Food Allergy Testing?

What Is a Food Allergy?

If the immune system of the body addresses a certain type of food as harmful and reacts to it, then food allergy occurs. The foods which are responsible for your allergy are called allergens. According to research, approx 50 million Americans suffer from any type of allergy. There are various types of allergen including shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, milk, eggs, fish, wheat, and soy. If you notice any symptoms of food allergy, then go to the doctor for food allergy testing immediately.

Signs of Food Allergy

  • Itching in the mouth.

  • Experience Dizziness, lightheadedness.

  • Itching or eczema.

  • Experience Nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea

  • Notice Swelling of the throat, face, tongue and lips. 

Intolerance to Food

If you notice loose stool after drinking milk, then it is a perfect example of food intolerance. You may experience this because you are intolerant to lactose. People who have lactose intolerance because they are deficient in the enzyme that helps you to break down the sugar in milk and milk products.

Food Sensitivity

Food sensitivity can be chronic. You may get reactions within 72 hours after eating a certain type of food. You may notice bloating, migraine and digestive symptoms and these are all signs of food sensitivity. Because of these symptoms, it is hard to find out that the main culprit here is food. Keep in mind that the digestion process of a certain food is related to food intolerance where sensitivity to food and allergy is related to the immune system of the body directly. 

When Should You See a Doctor?

Whenever you notice symptoms right after eating the specific food, you should visit the expert as soon as possible. It will be better if you visit the doctor when an allergic reaction is occurring. Apart from that, if you notice the following symptoms then seek emergency treatment ASAP. the signs are,

  • Rapid pulse

  • Dizziness or lightheadedness

  • Face difficulties during breathing

  • Experience shock along with a severe drop in blood pressure.

The Risk Factors

1.   Family History

If you have a family history of eczema, hives, asthma or allergies including hay fever, then there is a higher risk of getting a food allergy. 

2.  Age

The children are suffering from food allergies more than the others. After getting older, the digestive system of your body absorbs the food elements less that trigger the allergies. 

3.  Other Allergies

Keep in mind that suffering from a specific food allergy increases the risk of getting other allergies as well. Moreover, if you have eczema, then you have a higher risk of getting a food allergy. 

4.  Asthma

Generally, the patient can suffer from both asthma and food allergies at the same time.

Don’t Underestimate the Symptoms

You may think that eating less specific food can save you from having a food allergy. But that is not entirely true. How and when you get the allergy and how much the allergy attacks the body, you have no idea. 

However, if you consult with the doctor, then the specialist can recommend medications along with some precautions. None is more valuable than your own life! Therefore, you can contact Full Circle Health Clinic for food allergy testing. They will help you to deal with the problem in your everyday life in OKC. 

**Disclaimer: This content is neither a medical advice nor does it imply a doctor-patient relationship