Let Your Skin Smile & Breath Happily

The human body is beautiful as it can heal itself to a certain level. But can get attacked by harmful bacteria and pollution around us. So, it needs some external help to heal and be healthy. Our face has the softest skin and needs extra care to stay healthy. That’s where skincare and treatments come into play. Skincare facial treatments have been around for a long time specially in Edmond. Back in the day, natural products like olive oil and honey were used to keep skin clear. Nowadays, facial treatments have become more refined and can be customized according to one’s skin. It is beneficial for both men and women and can be done at any age.

Why is Good Skin Care Important?

  • It helps your skin to stay healthy and in a good condition. As we are shedding cells every hour, we need good skincare to keep the skin glowing.

  • As you start aging, your skin cells can turn over more quickly, which can make you look dull. A good facial treatment can help you remove those old and dead cells and replace them with new cells.

  • Preventing skin problems is easier than fixing them later in life.

  • If your skin looks good, you will get a boost in your self-confidence.

Different Types of Facial Treatment

Chemical Peels for Aging

This treatment is excellent at removing fine lines and wrinkles as it exfoliates your skin by removing dead skin cells to reveal new, fresh cells. Chemical peeling can also remove hyperpigmentation which is formed due to too much melanin on your skin.

Microdermabrasion for Acne

Microdermabrasion is a treatment that uses an electric wand with a rough tip that just doesn’t remove skin cells but blasts them so that new cells can emerge- which helps to prevent acne. This treatment is also known to stimulate collagen production, which helps prevent future signs of aging. If you don’t want to feel raw or sensitive after a facial, then you should definitely go for this because this does not cause any irritation.

Know What You Want Before You Go

Before you go for your facial treatment, be sure about the results  you are looking for. An aesthetician can help you get the right thing for your skin. If you cannot communicate properly, then there is a high chance the result won’t be pleasing for you.

Get the Beautiful Skin & Embrace It

Full Circle Health Clinic provides the best facial treatment for your skin. You can pre-book your consultation and get the service that suits you the best. Call us today.    

**Disclaimer: This content is neither a medical advice nor does it imply a doctor-patient relationship