One Solution for Several Problems: Hydrafacial Treatment

Hydrafacial Treatment

If you have various facial problems such as dull and rough skins, pores, and breakouts, you can take hydrafacial treatment to reduce these problems. You will feel a fresh and gentle look on your facial skin just after one treatment.

The hydrafacial treatment includes various steps like cleansing, exfoliation, hydration, and antioxidant protection. It is a completely new process and according to research, it is compared to laser exfoliation or microdermabrasion because it boosts the natural glow to the skin. If you are a specialist in this field, then you must have heard about this innovative treatment. Keep in mind that not everyone is an expert in the process, only doctors and licensed aestheticians are able to do the treatment.

Generally, microdermabrasion cleans your skin with diamond or crystal chips but in hydrafacial treatment, the specialist applies a lot of special liquid. It is not harmful and doesn’t damage your skin but the laser exfoliation and microdermabrasion damage the skin in a long turn.

The specialist uses a particular machine for venting a special solution of liquid to your skin and follows a liquid-based exfoliation process. You have to allocate 30 to 45 minutes to get the full treatment. Your skin will glow like after every session of treatment.

The Procedure


It is a deep cleaning step that helps you to remove the dead cells from the facial skin and loosen the pores so that these pores cannot lead to inflammatory acne.

Cleaning & Serum Fusion

In this step, the doctor applies a special solution to your face for hydrating it from  inside and softening the skin from the outside.

Antioxidant Fusion

Now, the doctor applies another solution that contains antioxidants and hyaluronic acid. The antioxidants help to repair skin damage and hyaluronic acid reduces wrinkles. Overall, the solution boosts collagen and hydrates your skin rapidly.


In this process, the specialist removes all the dead skin by a gentle Exfoliation process and maintains the hydration of the skin without any irritation.

LED Light Therapy

At last, you can take the last but not least LED light therapy. It will help you to increase healthy skin cell growth and maintain the elasticity in your facial skin.

Hydrafacial treatment is suitable for all skin types. If your skin is aging due to pollution and stress and too dry or oily, then it can be perfect for your skin. You can contact Full Circle Health Clinic for more information about hydrafacial treatment in OKC. Our expert team will guide you to fulfill your desire in a stipulated period of time!