The Challenges of Back Pain Diagnosis

Chronic pain can put a person down or long time since the journey with such a pain can be difficult and complicated. Some people try home remedies or try over the counter medicines and some seem consultation from pain management doctors. Often as a healing approach people visit chiropractors. But nothing is possible unless the pain is rightly diagnosed, only then there would be an appropriate treatment plan. But the actual source of back pain is very hard to find.

If there are many suspecting reasons for pain, you should consult a specialist to run multiple diagnosis tests to determine the underlying cause or source of the back pain.

Different Pain Tolerance

Back pain is very tough to analyze and the tolerance level is very subjective to different people. If someone’s tolerance level is 3/10 it could be 9/10 for another person. It makes decoding the pain and how the patient is feeling with the pain. There are different pain conditions with different pain level. Keep tracking when your pain gets a little better or turns worse.

Lifestyle to Affect

Apart from physical issues, the lifestyle also leaves an impact on the back pain and if so happens diagnosis becomes difficult. Drinking, smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of activities, movements and exercise and heavy lifting will affect the back pain. The pain specialist may ask you about these contributing factors to determine the exact cause of the pain. Coming to a conclusion, a healthy dietand active lifestyle are necessary to stay away from body pain.

Diagnosis Tests

Since there could be multiple aspects for recurring back pain, the pain management doctor should run multiple tests to get close to the source as much as possible. It can be costly if you nothing shows up in the tests besides it can be utter frustrating if the patient is living with severe pain for long time.

Pain source can be tough to identify -

  • If there is a problematic anatomical structure with lower back muscle, nerve root, vertebral joints and bones, intervertebral discs and abdominal organs.

  • Sometimes, the nerves may send pain signals to the brain causing neuropathic back pain.

  • Psychosocial factors like depression, stress and anxiety can also cause back pain.

  • Visiting a doctor for pain management or a chiropractor would help in deciding and lessening the chronic back pain. See us at Full Circle Health for healing your back pain.