What Is Allergy And How To Diagnose It?

What Is Allergy?

Specific people can react to various allergic elements. These elements are called allergens and we can find them in pollen, dust mites, molds, insects, and some medicines. People who suffer from various allergic diseases may have a chance of having atopy. Atopy is a genetic tendency for developing allergic diseases. You need to go for food allergy testing to find out the cause.

When you come into contact with a specific allergen, certain changes happen in your body. The antibodies are attached to the mast cells. When antibodies come in contact with the allergen, the mast cells release specific elements like histamine. When the mast cells release the histamine because of any allergen, you can face swelling and inflammation in specific areas of your body.


  1. You may face different types of symptoms based on the allergen.

  2. Hay fever is seen in the nose and eyes.

  3. Eczema, hives - skin

  4. Asthma- lungs

Apart from these, you may face fatigue, dizziness, postnasal drainage headache, sinus infection, skin rashes, and watering, itching, tightness in the chest and dark circles under the eyes.

Various Types

Seasonal allergies

In spring the farina gets airborne because the trees begin to blossom, people who are allergic to pollen face sniffing and sneezing.

Dust Allergy

If you face allergic reactions because of tiny bugs of dust, then it is called dust allergy.

Food Allergy

When our immune system recognizes a portion of the protein in a food as unsafe and reacts after eating a certain food, then it is called food allergy.


If you want to find out the reason behind your allergic reaction, you have to do allergy tests. There are several blood tests such as IMMUNOCAP SPECIFIC IGE (PHADIATOP). This test helps to separate atopic patients from non-atopic patients.

Immunocap phadiatop

Children from 0 to 3 years are more prone to food allergen such as milk, fish, egg, soybean than the inhalant allergen. But they can also be affected by dust mites. Therefore, a combination of phadiatop and food allergen is suggested while testing children for atopy.

Various Tests

  • Allergy phadiatop (pediatrics)

  • Allergy comprehensive food panel (veg/non-veg)

  • Allergy pediatrics panel (1 / 2)

  • Allergy food panel vegetarian (mini/maxi)

  • Allergy rhinitis panel (mini/maxi)

If you face any problems and notice symptoms then you should contact any health clinic for food allergy testing and others testing as soon as possible. Reach us at Full Circle for allergy specialists in OKC for helping you get rid of the allergy problems. We also provide food allergy testing.