The Interactions of CBD with Various Drugs

Products containing cannabidiol, from hot flashes, insomnia and to seizuresand chronic pain appear to be a rage in these days and age, with promising relief from various diseases. Some of these claims are worthwhile, while some are hype. But it's not going to hurt trying, right? Oh, not so quickly. CBD is a compound which is biologically active and may also have unintentional consequences as such. These include known CBD adverse events but also undesirable interactions with herbal products,supplements, OTCs and prescription drugs. Thus, when you go for CBD oil consumption, you must know how it interacts with various drugs.

Verify the Side Effects

CBD may cause nausea, lightheadedness, diarrhea, dry mouth and, in rare cases, damages liver, even though it is generally considered safe. CBD may enhance some of unwanted symptoms or toxicity risks by taking other medications that have similar side-effects. That is, CBDs can lead to increased sleepiness, fatigue, and possible accidental falls and driving accidents with OTC or prescription medications and sleeping substances such as benzodiazepines, opioids, (like Xanax and Ativan) as well as anti-psychotics, antidepressants, antihistamines (as Benadryl) or alcohol. More sedation and tiresome behavior, such as kava, melatonin and St. John's worth, may happen when certain herbal supplements are used. Taking CBD with stimulants can result in lower appetite and may increase the risk of diarrhea while taking certain heartburn medications or metformin.

The impact of other drugs may be changed by cbd

Many drugs in the liver have been broken down by enzymes, which can lead to a concentration called altered drug in the organism, or interfere with these. In turn, the altered concentration can lead to medication failure or a higher risk of side effects. Such interactions with drugs are generally difficult to predict, but can cause sometimes unpleasant and serious problems.

Existing data on five prescription CBD and Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabine (THC) cannabinoid medications were assessed by researchers of Penn State College of Medical Evaluation: medications used during cancer treatment (Syndros, Marinol, Cesamet); medicines used mainly to control multiple sclerosis muscle spasm (SativeX, available in the United States, but not currently available elsewhere). Overall, 139 drugs that could be affected by cannabinoids were identified by the researchers. This list has been further reduced to 57 medicines, which could be hazardous to changed concentration. The list includes a variety of medications from cardiac drugs to antibiotics, but CBD-only products may not all of the drugs in the list (some are only affected by THC). Here are possible serious drug interactions with CBD.

  • Common blood thinner, heart rhythm, warfarin, thyroid drug, levothyroxin

  • Multiple seizure medicines, including lamotrigine, clobazam, and valproate.

CBD oil can be used for various medicinal benefits. If you think that there are no chance of CBD to interact with any drug, come to Full Circle Health Clinic in OKC.

**Disclaimer: This content is neither a medical advice nor does it imply a doctor-patient relationship